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Download our Previous Presentations

Understanding the DfE Guide to Managing Asbestos in Schools and Colleges  


DfE guidance recommends 5 steps that need to be taken to meet the core requirements for the day-to-day management of asbestos in schools and colleges. Our webinar recording explains the 5 steps in detail, what's actually required to ensure compliance with CAR 2012 and how you can better protect your staff, pupils and visiting contractors by reducing the risk of accidental asbestos disturbances and exposures.


Understanding & Creating Asbestos Management Plans - A Guide for Multi-Academy Trusts, Schools & Colleges 


Our webinar recording provides guidance for schools and colleges on their legal obligation to create and maintain an effective Asbestos Management Plan. This includes why a plan is needed, where to start, who the dutyholder is, what the plan should contain, how it should be communicated, training requirements and monitoring responsibilities. 


Asbestos SMART - Watch our Demonstration 





Our simple Asbestos SMART technology allows you to track that contractors working in your buildings have viewed your asbestos registers; giving you proof of compliance at your fingertips and confidence that they can work safely without disturbing any known asbestos. Watch our short 15 min demonstration to find out how our simple on-site solution can help you communicate vital information and manage your asbestos risks and contractors more effectively; irrespective of which asbestos consultants you currently use to conduct your asbestos surveys and re-inspections

 How a National Asbestos Register Will Benefit Us All



"A national database of properties containing asbestos and digital asbestos registers would simplify asbestos management, saving lives, time and money, without burdening taxpayers. Everyone wins! - Duty holders, employers, the general public, the HSE, the government and the asbestos industry"

Download our webinar recording to hear Andrew Paten, Co- Founder of UKNAR CIC  talk about: The UK's key asbestos management challenges, why we need a national asbestos database, how it could work and the benefits for all.

As a social enterprise our aim is to help protect lives by changing and improving the awareness and culture around asbestos management. 

Please share our presentations with any of your colleagues that may be interested.