UKNAR (UK National Asbestos Register) is a new social enterprise established to help management and dutyholders manage asbestos simply and safely while better informing and educating those people who may be at risk.
We believe that by using inexpensive, easy to use Asbestos SMART technology and working with like-minded people, leading asbestos support organisations and research charities, we can limit future accidental asbestos exposures and help prevent thousands of deaths occurring as a result of asbestos related diseases.
Our primary aim is to protect people from unnecessary and potentially deadly exposure to asbestos fibres. Hundreds of thousands of UK workplaces, public buildings, schools, hospitals and homes still contain asbestos and despite improved legislation, there are still many thousands of accidental exposures to asbestos every year: Mostly because people are unaware of the presence of asbestos or its danger.
UKNAR is developing a national asbestos database. Existing asbestos registers can be uploaded and linked to our simple Asbestos SMART technology. Dutyholders can then make this key information instantly and freely available to all those that need it, fulfilling their legal obligations whilst helping reduce the number of potentially fatal accidental exposures.
Dutyholders pay a small annual license fee per register. A proportion of the annual licence fees will go to help asbestos victims support organisations and research charities in their daily activities.
Introducing UKNAR
Watch our short video to hear Andrew Paten, UKNAR's CEO and Co-founder explain who UKNAR are and why we exist.