Try out Asbestos SMART for yourself - Download our sample Asbestos SMART QR code
Every UKNAR registered building enrolled into the Asbestos SMART system is issued with a unique QR code. The QR code presented can be incorporated into a sign. This can be tailored to your school’s individual requirements, including your logo and contact details.
This sign can act as a passive reminder or can be incorporated as an active part of your visitor / contractor sign-in process.

When the QR code is scanned using a smartphone or smart mobile device, the user downloads a copy of the asbestos register which then allows them to locate any previously identified asbestos containing materials (ACMs).
This allows users to understand whether it is safe to proceed with their visit and their work without disturbing ACMs. The whole process can be completed on site in seconds.
We believe this is the most efficient way of getting the necessary and potentially lifesaving information physically into the hands of the right people on site at the time when they actually need it.
Why not try it out for yourself?
Simply use your smartphone or smart mobile device to scan the QR code below. The sample SMART register will instantly download onto your screen.